shared office space in bangalore may be a fun experience or turned into a complete fiasco; depending on how people interact with each other. Maintaining co-working harmony can be a slippery slope and relies heavily on workplace etiquette.
We’ve created a list of dos and don’ts that are essential to a pleasant working environment.
Do you religiously follow the dos? Or are you ticking off the don’ts? Find out in the list below!
Talk to people, be friendly, and network
The best part of co-working is the networking opportunities. Be friendly with and help everyone; you never know, you may be sitting beside your next client, investor, partner, or friend. These shared office spaces offer a collaborative environment and organize events, workshops, and socials that are immense fun. Being chatty with your fellow workers also gives you a chance to swap information, exchange expertise, and even learn about different products and projects.
Disturb and distract
There’s a fine line between being friendly and being intrusive, and it’s about time you draw it. Adopt a low, pleasant voice while discussing the latest episode of Game of Thrones with your neighbor—nobody wants spoilers!
Assess the mood of the person before babbling. If you notice them bent over their desk, headphones plugged in, working on a pile of paperwork or a presentation, back away and come later.
Another pet peeve is the obnoxiously loud phone and its equally annoying user. Frequent messages and calls may indicate your popularity among friends; however, your colleagues won’t be impressed, especially when they’re trying to concentrate with your phone beeping and buzzing incessantly. Put your device on silent and step into a more private area when answering calls.
Feel free to make your desk your own; however, don’t forget to check the office policy before doing so. It’s always good to feel as comfortable as possible, and personalizing your desk is the best way to do that.
Be messy
Remember, you’re sharing the workplace with others, so be considerate of other people’s desires. Just like the bathroom rule suggests, “Leave it the way you’d like to find it.” Nobody likes the sight of a teetering pile of paperwork, a coffee-stained desk, or a week-old lunch lying amidst cluttered office stationery and candy wrappers.
Make the best of the available facilities
Move around. If there’s a comfy unoccupied bean bag in the cafeteria, get your laptop out and get to work while sipping a hot pot of tea. Facing a creative block? Stroll out onto the terrace garden for some inspiration. Have clients dropping by? Take them to the spacious conference rooms for a private meeting.
But then again,
Overestimate your space needs
If you think you’re going to be a one-man-army for the day, refrain from occupying the conference room. A co-working space offers flexibility; use this to properly estimate your space requirement and settle in accordingly.
While sharing a work space, several seemingly unfavorable factors come to pass. However, if played right, you can turn these into a fun and pleasant experience for everyone.
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